Life under new dimension in other mirrow side/ SF
One day when we die we will still be live, we will change dimension. Matherial body or our earth vichle will no more exist, it will be unlived with no athom of energy to make move, turn off for ever. Ough, what an extraordinary experience. During all earth life you forsing athoms in body to see, hear, move, step, think, make thoughts, voices, interact with all live around, crossing yourself by making new life, new baby born, connecting in all direction on every possible way. When all over and time to live and go come it would't be our wish. The time is always coming, no matter of who you are, how many matherial you have, money, houses, carstvo and earth objects . You have to leave every things and all live subjects, only one bag will be your thoughts, minds, emotions compressed in soul, unexpectedly zipped and transferable to new dimension. There morning will not rise as on Earth,there won't be sunshine and moon, nither star bright. There will be new perspective like life from the mirrow side. We will see more far away,not exactly see as in Earth but thoughts and feeling will be mashed in transdimension of telepathy. You will be you there, free from body weight, still able to hear and see Earth life and your familly and friends. We will feel sad and sorry we will cry as a baby born in Earth. We will have no mother as on Earth to kiss and love us, we will have Christ, souls from Earth. Will you still recognize someone from Earth if you will by telephaty meet his/her soul? Maybe on Earth you did not saw his soul, you may create thoughts and rings of imagine feelings of someone,may someone try to colour your eyes not to see who he is indeed. Once in new dimension we will know all universe thoughts,all collective knowledge. You Earth inteligence will move you to understand universe and a way to create energy athoms to make a step and walk or fly there. You are free if you zip energy stars and enter to Earth dimension to try make a telephatic contact with familly or loved one on Earth if that one is open heart person and spiritual enought to interact with you. You make transfer to that one something what will happen to him in his future or just show that you live in new perspective, experience of amazing and awesome feeling of making a connection with Earth ones! Please open yourself that souls from universe may come on Earth to you and light you, clearing your soul but tell by telepathy that you are with him/her from old mirrow universe side. That meeting is available if strong lines were existed. Such message you may gave is important, it is from future, something what will be happen in your life,message is transfered to you in extraordinary way. How long memory on Earth life may be durable depends on person memory capacity. After you die, you still exist as light in blue spectar look like a hundreds of blue dots unvisible, untouchible...soul will learn new life as baby learn from day to day new skills. Soul will have new obligations, starting new existence, born in another space, connecting new universe inteligence. We here, om Earth will cry, feel sad about you,wishing you were here. But once we'll be togeter hoping find real You (yourself zipped all your thoughts, emotions, inteligence) and enjoy beeing with you. Think for important of clearing soul and heart in life, don't making an effort only on your body and matherial vealth on Earth. Think different, excercise for new perspective to live happier in next dimension 😀
Such kind of perspective is often normal view of Rshi, mentioned in medidation levels, wrote on sanskrit.
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